Tuesday, March 17, 2009

F F F F(no those aren't my grades) - Fang's Five Fast Facts

speaking of grades, i just received them and i got to say... HAHAHA
but it doesn't matter now!

alrighty, i was tagged by Zakiyyah to do this thing which requires me to share 5 facts about myself (though i highly doubt any soul here's interested ) but here goes:

1) among all the many adjectives that best describes me (mainly negative, of course) lazy, fat, blur, indecisive, unfocused, sensitive, hot-tempered and so on, but if i were to choose just one word that best describes me it would be : Impulsive

2) i love doing things alone, but that does not verify that i'm anti-social.

i like to feel comfortable so i'd rather be alone than be with people that i have to be fake or feel uncomfortable with but you got to admit : shopping alone is the best damn thing! (or with a best friend la)

i've got problems conversing - people say i talk very fast! maybe 'cos i'm too lazy then i squeeze all the words i intend to deliver to the other party in a flash? haha. and i tend to lose confidence while conversing and tend to stutter

to summarise, real low self esteem (proven)

3) i've got an addiction- to sourplums. since young, whenever i feel sick, down, heartbroken, lost or just wanting to savour the flavourable taste, i would turn to its fusion of sweet, salty and sour goodness and am prepared to deal with the kidney stones that will be developed in the future

4) i suspect i'm a little psychotic - (and stupid) when i was 16, i once popped more than 80 panadol pills and drowned myself with tiger beer, which resulted in non-stop pukathon (unfortunately Reen had to witness and accompany me to the hospital to get my butt injected) and since then whenver the smell and taste of alcohol linger around me i'd feel a jolt of spasm and nausea, so that's the story behind why i say i'm allergic to alcohol to some of you... but it's a blessing in disguise eh? an attempt to "commit suicide" turn to something beautiful - not growin up to be an alcoholic. but that was long ago so there's no need to be alarmed ah brother if you're reading

5) i've got a very very stretchy face -70% elasticity

elastic feel

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