Sunday, March 29, 2009

the wait is over

First off, happy belated Earth Hour

did any of your parents, like mine, pledged to turn off all the lights in the household for an hour from 8.30 to 9.30 last night?

ok lame anyways VIVA!
was awesome but....... i still think it lacked something... couldn't decipher what though, it's just not the same as the concerts i watched in youtube...but still awesome la. especially the props and settings

RAZALI / jaliboy HAHA crazy fellow, the moment he entered he made plenty of noise, and found out razali's sister is Chenjie's lecture mate... small world..small world

Lovers in Japan

Viva La Vida


tuesday night went to work at tamp's Giant with mer and her classmates
10pm - 7am though they let us off early but had to wait til 7 to get our pay
fun sia scanning the items
*dee dee dee*


can't wait for the damn place to open
won't go so crazy over anything else but FOOOOOOOOOD yeahhhhhhhhhh

kfc's breakfast is awesome, never knew they served breakfast...
man where've I been hiding...

went home to take a nap and met up with TING later in the evening, it's been like what, more than a year? since we last went out together... i figured since something bad's going to happen when i'm overseas alone i better meet those i've not been seeing and catch up with them
hahaha but i've missed her alot la

and that sweetie got me these... 'cos i was ogling them when we walked past and sorta complained i never had these before and they're soooooo cuteeee
cute stuff = my favourite
food = also my favourite

yesterday was qing ming, my parents made me wake up as early as 6 am to get ourselves to the cemetry to pay respect to our ancestors, although we're free thinkers but still, paying respect is essential.
and i don't know if my brother's a morning person but as soon as we reached there he kept talking nonsense, one particularly about the pile of 8billion dollar hell notes we burnt, qouting about the current economic situation

and my mom brought up the issue about me not smiling again, damn.
she told my brother "in photographs she smile so sweet one leh"
and he replied "yeah photographs what, real person's sour and bitter"
i don't know why but i find that freaking amusing

can't wait for tomorrow, 4D's annual class chalet @ aloha loyang.. man it's been ages since i attended a chalet, i guess the last one was last year's class chalet can't freaking wait to see all of them.

the timing's superb, 30th and 31st, and the next day's goodbye Singapore helllooooooooo Melbourne (and brandon flowers)! i'll try to make it a point to take a photo with every single one of them before i die fly to melbourne. which reminds me, i've not settled my accomodation there
HAHAHAHAHAHHA and i don't even know where to go once i reach... AWESOME
oh and i have not packed yet
oh well wish me good luck not getting missing in action
and sorry for the wordy post, who knows this might be the last words you see in this blog
oh man i can't stand this pessimism

Saturday, March 21, 2009

full blown anxiety

remember this photo? the "ideal nua-ing spot" technically situated accross my room i mentioned?well this is where i tell you i actually did something that i said i'll do!
to get my ass up there and nua up a storm!
accompanied by chuenen, my 14 year old favourite nephew / cycling partner / Family Guy watching buddy

on our way there...

a while later we reached a slightly steep slope, he went to the top and sat down, so i began to appreciate the beauty and told him to get going to the "ideal nua-ing spot" to have a view of my house... when he said " eh we're already here la "

indeed we were! and that big triangle on the left locates my room lair

yes, begin plotting dark ideas about throwing objects(peferably food) towards it if you must

if it weren't for the damned army of mosquitos that literally fed on me, i would have stayed there for hours instead of minutes. it's the perfect spot for dating if you ask me. peaceful, surrounded by little wonders of mother nature herself, fluffy white clouds hovering the sky... just remember to smear a whole bottle of insect repellent before you go. til then, perfect spot, i shall visit you soon. alone of course

off to riding at MacRitchie

was pointing at something that caught my sight and sent me howling like mad

MacRitchie, our beloved reservoir, where couples from various age groups enter in the dark at sacred hours basking in the moonlight to perform hanky pankiness, is now home of the...

Box Sledding?! i've seen this before on TV and stuff, and i always wanted to try it,
but i wasn't aware that it's legal!!!
another bullet added in my "to-do" list then. stay tuned for my post on box sledding and probably followed by a post about my very first stay in the hospital
can't wait!

yesterday - was accompanied by the lovely(and grumpy) mer to NYP to get the signatures from 4 different blocks. sadly i could only attain 2 'cos my personal mentor wasn't around... next week then. thanks again darlin'!

after that, she followed me home, of course the intention was to rock out with Rock Band \m/ (yes i'll try to add that everytime i say Rock Band \m/) but as usual we side tracked and she started raiding my closet and room and played dress up...


and after that she invited me to another one of her class outings, this time at Pasi Ris Park for a BBQ dinner. awesome stuff. as usual, i'm glad she asked me along. on the count of i was craving for BBQ food badly and of course wanting to spend more time with her (there's never enough, although she complained she spent more time with me than with her honey, then again i'm not sure if she was complaining, aiya sensitive la. hah)

Ethan crazy as usual
crazy ah, not hyper

su, not malay! hahaha

famous classic stoning

synchronized expressions
we're always in synchronization in every way

ate and played cards

this group of guys from the pit next to ours were finding thrill over loading a poor passenger into a super market trolley and pushing it in high speed, and waiting to watch as the poor guy crash and fall. more than 20 of them tried on their "ride". what kind of entertainment are guys into nowadays... and it seems they didn't bother about anyone getting hurt, they actually pushed a girl inside... and asked us several times if we wanted to try... they acted real high and crazy but i didn't suspect that they were drunk, just thought they're merely seeking fun and got the most of it... until they started chasing me when we were going back... was freaking terrified.

oh well. and thanks Eden(mer's honey) for sending us home and mer ofcourse, for asking me along! (hahaha)