nice shades eh. it's similar to that of my babe lorraine's red ones. speaking of my babe, i hope she gets well soon, and i'm not sure if she's discharged already, 'cos she didn't tell me exactly the last time i asked her, guessing she's already all caught up with school work, family and stuff like that, she has to go through this shit. sorry babe if i didn't understand what you were going through but in any case, get well soon and i hope you feel better okay? love you!
what better way to remind yourself to smile than to draw smiley faces on your nails? thanks gorgeous!
monday after school, ronnie and pretty were supposed to go to town to see backpacks. ronnie wanted to buy one and pretty wanted to change her bag, because the handle of her previous one broke and has warranty.
in the end, zoe, ronnie, wilson, weide and i all went to town!
oh yeah i forgot to tell you guys, i'm attached.
and in this picture above, you can actually see me watching my lover sleep.
romantic. totally.
fucker, just one tag will die ar?
we stopped by at ngee ann city and watched the contestants of the subaru challenge perservere through slight drizzle and keeping awake just for a car. but then again, it's worth $80000, so i guess it's pretty much worth it. limpeh and i are going to join next year, if the qualifying age is 18. support us ok!
they bought bags and i didn't want to feel left out too. haha so i got myself a bag from ed hardy. sibei chioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! and a top from far east!
pretty and wilson left earlier so weide ronnie and i continued to shop at fareast. and ronnie bought himself a shirt. and we wore new shirts on the next day! haha
tuesday after school- playtime at my house with gang
but gladys can't make it :(
and it was the first time i sat on a motorbike! woooooooooooooooo so fun! and this gila boy, before going to my house kept asking questions like " eh, your house got gym? ", " your house got ps3?", " got what games?", "your house got SCV right, i want to watch nickelodeon" LOL la but in the end he did all that he requested, plus drinking my salty salt water :)
watch as the baddies grab hold of pretty and throw her down the pool
happy gila boy
and i didn't realise that we actually own these - flippers and goggle-plus-breathing-tube-thing. awesome. gila boy couldn't get enough of them, cause it enables him to swim like a mermaid. so he says.
the four of them had fun playing water wrestling. but the funniest part is when razali was on top of wen jie, and just a second after the match started, just a slight push towards nisa and they collasped. macho ah razali!
after swimming we walked to prata house and had prata! well i had nasi bryani but it's yummy all the same. and on the way we had goreng pisang! omg heaven on earth baby, heaven on earth!
i had fun but awhile after they left i plopped onto bed, which was like 8.30 pm.
tommorow, due to OOP cancelled, there's going to be 3 hours of break. wow.
and i really do appreciate if you guys actually leave a tag after reading. ok who am i kidding.
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